Sam is the Managing Director of ALL4Adventure, who run thrilling quad bike tours to isolated areas of the world renowned Freycinet National Park, on Tasmania’s East Coast.On a day to day basis, Sam is responsible for the running of the business. He manages operations, maintenance, and on occasion runs tours as well.While business was running as usual, it didn’t take long for Sam to discover that the booking system he was using was limiting his business’ growth.“The booking system we had in place was not very user-friendly. A lot of our customers were getting confused with how to book online. Also, the customisation options were too limited, and the backup support was lacklustre.”
“The booking system we had in place was not very user-friendly. A lot of our customers were getting confused with how to book online.”
To try to make his previous booking system work for his business, Sam needed to use workarounds. It wasn’t ideal.“It just didn’t quite allow that flexibility to customise it enough, so we needed to use other calendars as a backup. We had a couple different calendars and systems that we kept jumping in between to update them all.”Sam knew that in order to scale his business, he needed a more flexible system that kept everything in one place.“We needed something that was appealing, straightforward and easy to use. And it had to seamlessly integrate into our website – otherwise we would still be using paper calendars and Google calendars, jumping back and forth between different programs.”Sam started his search for the perfect booking system for his offroad tour company. Rezdy was one of the tools he looked at.“We did quite a bit of research to find something that fitted our needs – besides paying a lot of money to get a custom-built system.”He found that Rezdy was the best candidate to solve his booking frustrations.“All the other booking systems were tailored for accommodation and tried to fit tours and activities in. They just didn’t allow for the differences in the industry, whereas Rezdy is specifically made for the tour market.”After trialing the product, Sam was pleased to see that it suited his business well.“We went straight into it. We could see that Rezdy worked for us on the trial version much better than the system we had.”Rezdy checked all his boxes in terms of what he was looking for.“Rezdy is flexible enough to work for the majority of tour businesses, including ours. It looks professional and it’s easy for our customers to use.”
With Rezdy, ALL4Adventure is able to get more online bookings, while making better use of their time.“Since we implemented Rezdy, we are getting a much more constant stream of direct online bookings, rather than phone calls and emails. We’ve also saved time by eliminating the downtime that we would have had in the past of entering things manually, double checking calendars.”
“Since we implemented Rezdy, we are getting a much more constant stream of direct online bookings, rather than answering never-ending phone calls and emails.”
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