Rezdy Webcasts That Will Help You Distribute Your Tours & Activities Through Agents

Rezdy Webcasts That Will Help You Distribute Your Tours & Activities Through Agents


If you’re the visual type who enjoys learning through video, then have a look at these great webcasts that detail how you can distribute your tours and activities online by partnering with agents.

1. Setting Commission with Agents

Since their piece of the pie is what motivates them to sell for you, you want to make sure that you manage their commission in the right way.

This is your chance to learn:

  • What the industry standards are for agent commission
  • How to calculate commission rates
  • How to automate agent bookings with your booking system

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2. How To Build A Successful Relationship With Your Agents

Both agents and suppliers need to work well together in order for the partnership to pay off.

That’s why you need to make sure that you build and maintain a good agent-supplier relationship.

This is your chance to learn:

  • How to find the right agents to work with
  • How to define your terms of trade
  • How to manage ongoing bookings from agents

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