Tour operator and tour guide booking software for guided tours

Take online bookings, manage pricing, notifications, waivers, cancellations and more

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Why choose Rezdy as your tour booking software?

Boat rental booking software

Online reservations from anywhere, at anytime

Get online bookings round the clock (24/7). A booking platform with functionality that takes the hard work out of tour management. Whether you’re a walking tour, food tour, or multi day tour – Rezdy can help take your tour business to new heights.

Boat charter software

Offer a user-friendly booking process

Rezdy’s reservation system integrates with your website for a seamless customer experience from booking, through to confirmation and follow-ups on any device – desktop or mobile app. The booking widget accommodates vouchers, promo codes and gift cards too.

Boat reservation software

Fill your capacity and never overbook

Rest assured, never double book or overbook. Your inventory management updates with real-time automation across all channels. Internal, online and agent bookings.

All in one online travel booking system

Get more agent bookings

Not just a booking solution, find new sales channels with Rezdy Channel Manager. Distribute to the world’s largest agent network. Large online travel agencies (OTAs), resellers and travel agents love Rezdy, with an insatiable desire to seek and sell new tours. Simply join to get started.

Faster and more secure payment processing

Our selection of 30+ online payment gateways like Stripe, allows you to efficiently process bookings with an integration payment solution. Ensure secure customer information and accept payments anytime, anywhere with RezdyPay – your convenient booking payment system with world-class security.

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Try Rezdy tour operator software

The online booking system chosen by tour activity operators and providers

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